
I try to update as often as I have time and I hope you enjoy the updates on the kids. Honestly, sometimes I forget about it until someone mentions to me that they check it for updates. I will try to stay on this and keep everyone posted on our family! Thanks!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Drew loves laundry!!!!!

Laundry is now been added to Drews list of accomplishments!!!! One day the buzzer went off on the dryer and he just went in and opened it, took the clothes out of the dyer, put them in a basket, switched the washing to the dryer and then pushed the dry clothes back to the bedroom. The whole time he insists that he do it "by myself"! We watched in amazement and with grins on our face. So the other day I got a video of him switching laundry. It is kinda long, but I knew some of you would want to see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is SO CUTE!! And, no, its not just because I'm his Grammy!