
I try to update as often as I have time and I hope you enjoy the updates on the kids. Honestly, sometimes I forget about it until someone mentions to me that they check it for updates. I will try to stay on this and keep everyone posted on our family! Thanks!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

We went to Lawrence again to see cousins. Drew and Kyle had fun going down the slide together.
Brandon was a big boy cousin and tried to push Drew in the swing.
Kyle and Drew swinging. Cousin Ashley had to take a break from pushing to text message!
Serena posing for a picture.
Drew, my mom, Mindy and Brandon on the train ride. Brandon had so much fun on the train.
Easter bunny on the train with all the cousins! I kept thinking hold on tight bunny because Drew is quick and the train was rocking!
The kids with the conductor!
Brandon feeding Drew his snack! Keep them coming!
Drew and Kyle Easter morning! They had fun watching the kids hunt eggs!

Trip to Arkansas

This is our trip to stay with our friends Morgan and Nick. We had a really good time and Drew did very well with the new place.
Drew loves their dog Wally and Wally thought Drew was pretty neat. They did very well together!
Look closely..... this is Drews first boo-boo! He was climbing on this formula can and fell off and hurt his lip. He was upset until he saw the camera!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Doing chores!

We feel that it is never too early to start pulling your own weight around the house!!!! Just kidding, Drew loves to walk with the laundry basket so I figure I might as well make the most of it. He normally pushes it half way and then I let him ride in it half way! Sorry the video is so dark.

Dawn and Drew talking before she left to move to Liberty. :( She promised not to forget us. We already miss Hayden.

Kyle (cousin) and Drew got right to playing when they saw each other.

We went to Lawrence last week and went to college "game day". It was really loud but we didn't mind.

Breakfast on the run!!!!

Drew had to pay attention because he knew dad would be talking about it later.

Brandon, Drew and Kyle hanging out in the bleachers! Brandon is so gentle with Drew.

Later we went to the park. Drew loves the swings!!!

Brandon gets to go on the big slide all by himself. He likes to tell Kyle and Drew they are "TOO SMALL" to do things he does.