
I try to update as often as I have time and I hope you enjoy the updates on the kids. Honestly, sometimes I forget about it until someone mentions to me that they check it for updates. I will try to stay on this and keep everyone posted on our family! Thanks!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

And One More Makes Four!!!

We are so excited for the next stage of our life to start. As of right now the plans are this baby girl will complete our family. It is such a great feeling to feel like the next stage of our life is starting. Our family will be complete; Sam, Mindy, Drew and Lauren!!! Most of you know but if you do not we have chosen the name Lauren Elizabeth. No special meaning, we just love the name and feel like it is a good name to last a lifetime.
We are trying to prepare for her arrival both physically and mentally. So much to do and they have scheduled a c-section for March 12 (the day after my birthday) due to Lauren being breech. Drew seems to be enjoying the idea of having a baby sister and has done well with the changes going on in the house (painting, new furniture, clothes, mommy getting big), but I do worry how he will be when an actual baby is here in the house taking time away from his mommy and daddy. I am trying to enjoy the time that we have left with just him as much as I can. We went to get his hair cut at the barber shop and he did such a good job sitting and waiting his turn. He watched all the older men in the shop talking to the barber while they got their hair cut so when it was his turn he followed their example. Poor barber Joe, Drew talked his ear off. He kept calling him by name and saying "Joe... Thank you Joe." Then he would say, "Joe.... my Grandma has a comb Joe." "Joe.... My mommy has a hair dryer at her house Joe." At one point he said "Joe... I need a tissue." Joe went and got him and tissue and Drew blew his nose with such force that everyone in the shop was laughing. Then Drew said "Thanks Joe." He looked at the other barber in the shop and said "Thank you too Jason!" We had a great time and I was a proud mommy!
Drew has been keeping us on our toes and laughing all the time and we both just want to try to remember to stay in the moment with Drew while dealing with a newborn. Drew has so many funny great qualities about him it makes me sad to think I may miss something! I have added some pictures of Drew and of the new nursery. We are not done with the nursery yet and we are still waiting for the mirror to arrive that goes above the dresser but here are a few pictures!

Drew giving baby sister a kiss! He is such a sweetie!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww...good luck, mindy! you are almost there!