Having a family is sooooo much fun!!! Days are full of tantrums, dirty messes, tears, diapers, spit up, clutter, laundry and housework and I love it! I love it because the hugs, kisses, songs, smiles, and giggles make up for any hard parts of being a parent. Don't get me wrong, by 7:00 I am ready for them to go to bed so I can recharge by batteries and get ready for the next day. :) I am a women of many talents now that I have a family. I can finger paint (toddler style) with the best of them, build things with legos and blocks, sing and dance to any child song, play tickle monster, doctor boo boos, cook up a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich, perform surgery to insert batteries to any toy and much more!!!!
Each stage keeps getting more fun than the last. Right now the kids are starting to interact and that makes me smile. Lauren loves when Drew talks to her or even looks her way. When Drew will slow down to look at her he gets excited to see her smile at him. Lauren has already started the "Daddy's home" smiles and kicks, she gets so excited to see him and tries hard to get his attention before Drew can get to him!!! Poor mom just sits there and gets ignored when Daddy comes home, boo hoo for me.:) Both kids are still at the age where Mommy and Daddy are the best and know EVERYTHING so we take full advantage of that because I understand it will not always be the case. Drew is starting to LOVE puzzles and coloring, these are things that before now he couldn't sit still long enough to do. It is fun to watch them go through different stages and sad to see them pass through some of the stages. (True story: As I am typing this up, Drew just came out from his nap, hugged me and said "I love you Mommy!). That is why I love my family!!! I can put up with the days that we have a screaming fit in public when it is followed days of hugs and "I love you Mommy"! Well he is up from nap so I have to get back to building a "BIG HOUSE" out of blocks per Drew's request! I added a couple videos so the out of town people can see a little of Lauren!
1 comment:
I think she is trying to imitate my Tarzan yell in that last video. She almost laughed when I did it for her!
Love you guys!
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