I wanted you to hear Lauren sing her ABC's and then Drew jumped in to perform, he can't be out shined! :) I am sitting as close to the wall as I can, that is why I can't back up. Hope you enjoy!
Drew and Lauren Blackard
I try to update as often as I have time and I hope you enjoy the updates on the kids. Honestly, sometimes I forget about it until someone mentions to me that they check it for updates. I will try to stay on this and keep everyone posted on our family! Thanks!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dance Moves
I heard a funny conversation between Lauren and Drew today and I knew I had to get my camera. We were finishing up lunch and Drew said, "Lauren, do you wish that your dances moves were as good as me?" She replied "Ya" because she says ya to almost everything. Drew said, "Well Sissy, you just have to practice and you will have good dance moves." It is hard in this house to just listen and not laugh sometimes, but I turned on the music and grabbed my camera! Enjoy!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Warm weather don't go away!!!
We have been going outside and trying to enjoy all the the warm weather that we have left. I know that pretty soon we will be stuck in the house and going stir crazy so for now we are out and about! The kids are so much fun. Drew is riding his bike without training wheels and lately he has been trying to learn to do some tricks on his bike. The sound of "hey, watch this" scares me to death, however it puts a smile on Sam's face every time. Lauren is trying to do everything that Drew does and right now her favorite thing to do is have Drew give her a ride on his tractor. That is a cute sight to see, Drew squashed up against the steering wheel and Lauren hanging out on back with a huge smile. She is saying so many things now and is starting to learn some songs. She is a little sponge and she understands so much. Not everything is rosy, she has entered the trantrum stage! Her tantrums are short lived so I think we will keep her! :)

Trick or treat!
Drew was actually running a fever so we only went to two houses but they seemed happy with that. Lauren even attempted to say "trick or treat".

Drew was actually running a fever so we only went to two houses but they seemed happy with that. Lauren even attempted to say "trick or treat".
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Preschool Days!
We started Drew in Lutheran Preschool in the middle of August. I have to give Sam the credit for this adventure, because Mommy and Drew were perfectly happy with staying together all day, everyday. Sam has great childhood memories of preschool so he was eager to get Drew going. I on the other hand never went to preschool so I didn't see the reason for it. I tried very hard to act excited and get Drew excited for school but it did not work. He wanted to stay with us and said he did not want to go because he would miss us. The first day was hard, second day was even harder (they had to pry him off of me and I had to leave to the sounds of him crying), but since then it has gotten easier and easier. Today he told me that he wanted me to stay in the car so that he could walk to the door by himself, according to him it is a "big boy job" to walk in by himself. So there I stood by the car watching him all the way to the door and although he doesn't need me to accompany him anymore to the door, he does still need me. He kept looking back to see if I was watching and then waved and yelled I love you before he walked in. Those are the memories I will lock in my head and remember. Also we have seen progress in his socialization since going to preschool. Before going he always stuck close to me at playgroups and now he is off and playing with the other kids.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Toy Story Party!
Our little baby Drew has quickly grown into a big four year old. He is amazing and I wish that everyone could see how sweet he is. He says, "I love you" and "I think you are the best" all the time. This year he decided he wanted a Toy Story birthday party. I didn't get many pictures of the party because I was busy running around but I took a few.
Run Sam Run
Sam just ran a half marathon last weekend. I am so proud of him, he decided he was going to do this in February and started training. The course was hard (hills) and it was VERY HOT and he did it in 2 hours! I wasn't able to get great pictures when he came in because of the number of people watching, but I got what I could.
We took the kids with us to Kansas City and while he was running we took the kids to a little Rain Forest traveling play station.
Visit with Max, Evelyn, Megan and Stephen
We just had a wonderful visit with one of my best friends from college. We live several states away and we don't get the chance to see each other very often. Although technology makes the distance easier it is still hard to not get to be a part of her life. The visit couldn't have been better (maybe longer), the children played great together. Max is four, just like Drew and Evelyn is 6 months and they are beautiful, sweet children. Megan is doing a great job with them. Every time Megan and I are together we pick up right where we left off, she is a blessing in my life. The only bad part of the visit is when it was over, I knew I wouldn't see her for awhile. Her kids will change and so will mine and we hate missing all the little moments of each others lives. Thanks for the visit Meg!
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