
I try to update as often as I have time and I hope you enjoy the updates on the kids. Honestly, sometimes I forget about it until someone mentions to me that they check it for updates. I will try to stay on this and keep everyone posted on our family! Thanks!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I feel so blessed by all of the support that we are receiving from friends and family during this exciting but tiring time in our lives. Sam and I always feel blessed to have each other and our family but it is times like these that we realize how many people love and care about us. We are receiving gifts and phone calls every day. We had a group of wonderful ladies bringing us dinner for a couple of weeks, aunts and uncles helping with Drew and grandmas coming out to save the day!!!! We are fortunate to have great doctors and hospitals available to us and Grandpa Blackard allowing Sam to leave work to attend Laurens weekly doctors appointments. I have friends calling to check on me, give advice, offer assistance or just listen while I talk about things. Thank you to everyone in our life. Sometimes peoples lives are so busy we forget to tell each other how much we appreciate each other and I just want to take this time to tell everyone thank you.

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